Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 15



I knew it was supposed to be in the 20s (F) overnight, but hadn't realized it would precipitate until I opened the door to let the dog out.  (He was not amused.  Getting his tootsies damp is not on his list of preferable happenstances.)

Here's a more familiar landscape than the brown one we've been looking at for the last couple of weeks.

Cropping the above, and upping the contrast, for a more abstract look.  I rather like this.  Don't you think it would be spiffy, blown up to 4'x3', and hung on the wall of a chillingly modern loft?

Once upon a time, many moons ago (when my kid was in 1st grade), our school's excellent computer teacher asked me if I'd like to take a few 4th graders outside, a couple of mornings a week, to collect some weather data.  Those data would be sent to the Weather Underground database, which was accessible to everyone, online.  I agreed to take kids out.  I remember helping them decide which direction the wind was coming from (pointing out that we could easily tell which direction was east, on a sunny morning)......

I've had a soft spot for the Wunderground ever since.  It is my go-to source for weather info online.

Here's another surprise -- I discovered on the 15th that the Wunderground has completely updated its look.  It takes forever to load (we have DSL), but I quite like this. 

(Note that I've cut off the right side, which is where the legends are).

The pale blue bar graph is for "chance of precip", and the line-with-arrows at the bottom is wind speed and direction (I bet you guessed that one).

Pretty cool!  I was hoping that left-arrow by today's "partly cloudy" info would let me shift the whole works a few days in the past.  I wanted to show that it was 70 (F), the day before yesterday....  But that arrow didn't seem to do anything.  I believe there are a few glitches in this new look, but I like it.

Back inside -- luckily it is warm and comfy inside, even when it is "23.4, feels like 16" outside.

Can you tell that you are looking at the top of his head, the back of his neck, and his back (left to right)?  With his white schnoz at left, barely visible above the navy sweatpants he's using as a pillow?


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