Monday, March 23, 2015

When your body becomes your password.......


I for one, am seriously looking forward to a time when I don't have to keep track of passwords for dozens and dozens of sites!

Here's an article which mentions several possibilities for biometric identification.

Bring it, I say.  Figure it out, get it right, and let's GO already.




clayt666 said...

Nope. Never.

The Supreme Court has determined that the authorities can demand biometric data from you (fingerprints, retinal scans, etc. (not sure about DNA)) WITHOUT A WARRANT. This means if your cellphone or computer will unlock with your fingerprint, the police can demand you unlock it.

However, if you use a password or PIN, they cannot force you to give that up without violating your 5th Amendment rights. Thus they cannot force you to unlock anything you don't want them to see (again, without a warrant).

I need orange said...

Interesting. And aggravating! >:-{}

I wonder if they can make such demands without your lawyer present? (Is it like asking a question?)

I want them to be able to make drunks offer up evidence as to their state of intoxication, but I surely don't want them abusing their power.....

So many delicate balances........