Friday, July 31, 2015

emotional state of amino acids


The guy who is the main teacher for the Science & Cooking class I'm taking reminds me a bit of a young Robin Williams.  In looks, and in enthusiasm, if not in complete bonkeritude.

He, shall we say, tends to anthropomorphize his subjects of discussion.  Here's a quote from one of the videos I am listening to today:  "Hydrophilic basically means it likes water.  So if you put hydrophilic amino acids in water, they're perfectly happy.  If you put hydrophobic amino acids in water, they're perfectly sad."

We have heard a lot about what makes atoms and molecules happy and sad, and what they like (and do not like) to do as a result.

It all makes a lot of sense, and I'm not sure at all that this way of describing things isn't true, for all practical purposes.....


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